A downloadable game for Windows


W-A-S_D to move.

Space bar to elevate.


To Bee is a game within the zen gaming genre, made at the University of the Arts London as part of a collaborative project.


Players are put in the position of a bee who is determined to rejuvenate the valley it calls home. Due to a hurricane in the night, the bee awakes to find the landscape barren.


As the bee, you must collect pollen from flowers located around the environment and deliver the pollen to the beehives. When this happens, you will be rewarded by getting to witness the regrowth of the environment.


We hope you enjoy exploring the environment, discovering the different foliage areas, exploring ruins, and reviving the valley. And most of all, relax and enjoy the experience. As a collaborative project all members worked incredibly hard to put this project together, we really hope you enjoy the final product. Thank you.

Description video: 'To Bee' | Student video game project description - YouTube

Playthrough: 'To Bee' | Game Playthrough - YouTube

Credits to

Hisham Jared - Director, Game mechanics.

Michaela (Mesha) Brückner - Producer, Animator, 3D modeler, Scribe.

Sophia McPolin - Environment Leader, Game Mechanics.

David Francis Edwards - Animator.

Raphella -Binder-Bavito - Sound Effects Designer.

Tim Heron - Composition Designer


To_Bee.zip 1.1 GB